Secrets to a Luxury Holiday With a Budget Tag TRAVEL

Who wishes to say no to luxury? No one does. However, it's not always easy to afford luxury. This is true when you travel abroad. Even a budget trip would cost so much, and there are endless expenses to look into. Despite the discomforts of economy, we tend to stick to it because the savings are just not enough to sponsor a luxury holiday.

However, it is not as difficult as it appears. Just a little more planning can help you to get closer to your dreams. Here are some ways you can easily afford a luxury holiday, no matter how restricted your budget maybe.

Plan Yourself

It's not that the travel agents don't do a fine job when it comes to booking holidays. However, you know your needs the best so it is highly recommended that you book it on your own. It's surprising how travelers let go of countless opportunities of a luxury break simply because they believe they won't be able to afford it. The internet is flowing with amazing deals, all you need to do is to plan your trip on your own.

Opt for Shoulder Months

Italy in summertime? Yes, you might as well forget about enjoying a budgeted luxury trip. There are some rules that you have to follow when you travel abroad. To get the best hotels and cheaper airfare, the shoulder months work out the best. During the peak travel months, airlines and hotels get booked readily and naturally the rates are way higher.

Shoulder months are great for traveling to your desired destinations. The weather is fine, there are lesser crowds and you can stay at some of the best hotels without breaking into a bank.

Look for One-Stop Shops

There are several one-stop shop platforms on the internet that bring together deals that help you make significant savings and afford a luxury trip. When you book airfare, hotel or maybe car rental from one place, you make huge savings and get out of the trouble of looking into multiple places to get your bookings done.

However, when you search for travel packages it is best to read through the fine print over and over again and look out for any extra travel costs. Doing your homework on your part is very important because booking travel packages can sometimes be based on impulses.

Use Your Frequent Flyer Miles

Frequent flyer programs have allowed travelers around the world to fulfill their travel dreams. You can be among them if you use your miles wisely. Even if you don't fly around the world, you can still earn air miles through credit card payments or simply eating out at your favorite restaurant. Miles help you earn a better status, upgrade for free and access the finest airport lounges.

TRAVEL Simple Tips for Affordable Last Minute Travel

by: Hotel Jardines del Lago and Hoteles Panajachel
Life is getting busier every day for people, be it personal or professional. People travel to different places on the spur of the moment without enough planning. A journey planned at the last minute can be more exciting than one that has been planned for months. Read these useful tips to have an interesting travel that meets all aspects of a well planned travel.

If you are short of time to plan for your travel, the best thing you can do is a little bit of research about your travel in websites.

Many websites and travel agents have tickets available even at the last minute. You can check for such deals online or check with a local travel service for more updates. Travel agents get paid for their services. So, you can find out cheap tickets even at the last minute.

Next, find out where you can stay and check for the cost. Make a comparison between different places of stay and find out a convenient place after considering the cost, distance and safety. When you finalize your tickets and place of stay, pull out your budget and prepare a list of expenses. For this, you need to decide how much amount you have and how much you can spend for the travel. Based on this budget, you can choose a hotel and also other travel arrangements.

Packing is a big part of any travel. Spend some time in packing as it can bring a big mess in your travel. It is always good to travel light if you can. Make sure you take things that are necessary and can be expensive at your travel destination. If you can buy some accessories at reasonable cost, it is a good idea to travel free and then purchase if necessary according to the requirement. Check if you have packed all financial and ticketing essentials including credit and debit cards, cash, passport, VISA, ID proofs and important addresses. When you pack, arrange in some particular order so that you do not go to the airport and spend time in keeping your hand luggage and check-in separately.

When you travel in groups, it is important to go for group bookings that come with some special packages to save money and time. Based on the emergency, travel differs. Be it a good or bad occasion it is in general a good practice to have a packing list with you so that you do not miss anything whether you travel for a day or for any number of days or months.

So, article would have given you some helpful information for a last minute travel... Have a happy travel!

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Confused With All the Travel Information on the Internet?

Confused With All the Travel Information on the Internet?

There is so much information available on the internet right now regarding travel. There are online travel sites for cruises, hotels, air, trains and any other type of travel. But what is the correct product for you? Is the location of the hotel where you want to be? Is the type of room or cabin the right fit for you? Is that cruise line the one you should be booking? Not all products are created equal nor are the products right for everyone. How do you tell? Contact a travel professional.

Do travel agents exist?

There have been multiple articles, and even the President of the United States, has said travel agents don't exist or are going away. In a way they are right. Travel agents in the past were just someone who booked a trip for someone who called or came in to the storefront office of a travel agency. Storefront travel agencies are few and far between now a days as most of the "travel agents" have gone home to work. Even the term "travel agent" is going away because what they do now is different than what they did before.

Travel Professionals/Travel Counselors

Travel Agents are now more a counselor and an adviser so they are now called Travel Professionals or Travel Counselor. Even the travel industry is trying to get away from using the term "travel agent". They no longer just book a trip for someone, they know more than what is available to the traveling client. The travel professionals now are constantly learning, constantly traveling, receiving input from other travel professionals about where they have traveled and are a resource for what is required to travel now a days.

When you use an online travel agency like Expedia, Travelocity, etc. you aren't able to have someone protect your back. They book the travel for you and then you are pretty much on your own. Say your flight gets cancelled, who is going to book a replacement flight? You are, not them. If you use a travel professional that travel professional will do it. If something goes wrong on your trip, if the room you booked is not like what you thought it would be, who is going to make it right? A travel professional will also check constantly for price drops before final payment and whether a new promotion offered would be more beneficial than what was booked with a deposit. All these things can be addressed before final payment.

A travel professional works with you from the time you first talk to them until you are home safe and sound and any and all problems have been solved or addressed.

It Costs More to Use a Travel Professional

This is not always true. True, some travel professionals charge fees but not all of them do. This is because some vendors, like airlines and some hotels, don't pay commission or some of the vendors have decreased the amount of commissions paid to the travel professional. In order to make ends meet, some travel professionals charge fees. I charge $50 per person for airline reservations domestically and $100 for airline reservations internationally. I will also charge a fee sometimes for hotels for the same reason or if I am putting the various sections of the trip together myself. If I book a cruise or a tour, I don't charge a fee as the vendor pays me a commission. Remember, whether you use a travel professional or not the commission is still being paid as it is automatically included in the price from the vendor. So, why not use a travel professional and avoid the hassle and save your time?

The rules for traveling are constantly changing and it is the travel professional who is able to keep their clients on track with them.

Examples: Passports

For instance, did you know that come January, 2016 you may need a passport to travel by air domestically? This is due to a law called the REAL ID Act. This requires all travelers to have a REAL ID compliant identification that includes all of these fields: full legal name, signature, date of birth, gender, unique identifying number, a principal residence address and a front-facing photograph of the applicant. Unfortunately there are still a handful of states that are non-compliant. Do you know which states are compliant and which aren't? Your travel professional does. By the way, outright non-compliant states/territories are American Samoa, Louisiana and New Hampshire. The states of Minnesota and New York offer an optional Enhanced ID at a cost, so because it is optional, a large percentage of residents don't have one. Some states have applied for additional extensions, but it is unclear if those will be granted. Currently, only four states (Louisiana, Minnesota, New Hampshire and New York) and American Samoa are technically non-compliant.

Also, we still don't know if January 1, 2016 will be the date of the requirement or will it be later? Because of this law, the passport processing time for all will be affected. All the passports issued in 2006 to meet the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative that went into effect in 2007 are now expiring, causing a slew of renewals. So, because of those renewals coupled with the possible REAL ID enforcement, passport waits are expected to further increase. As of October 11, the current wait has already increased a week to four to six weeks for standard passports and three weeks for expedited. Expedited in person could be up to eight days based on travel need.

Ultimately the REAL ID Act will require all state-issued drivers' licenses to include "machine-readable technology" or chips to help keep us safe and secure while traveling. For more information on the REAL ID Act go to

Also, passports are recommended for cruises just like they are required to fly outside of the United States. The reason being is if you do need to fly back to the United States from a foreign port you have a passport to do so. Just because you are on a cruise leaving a United States port, technically you are traveling internationally just as soon as you step on the ship as most ships are registered outside of the United States!

Example: Visas

A travel professional would be able to help you determine if visas are required to travel to where you want to go. If they don't know for sure, they know where to send you for that information and get confirmation that you do or don't need one for the type of travel you are taking. For instance, for most cruises if you leave an U.S. port and return to the same U.S. port you probably don't need a visa to visit the ports. This is called a "closed loop" trip. But, again, most of the cruises. Always double check to see if one is needed.

Example: Travel Insurance

Again, not all travel insurance is created equal. Should you purchase travel insurance? Absolutely!!! I recommend to my clients not to purchase travel insurance, for the most part, from the supplier of the cruise or product. The reason being the coverage is not as comprehensive as third party policies. Travel insurance is not only purchased for travel delays, luggage lost/damage or cancellation protection. Some health insurance companies do not cover you when traveling outside of the United States. Medicare does not. Travel insurance will act as your primary health insurance during your travel, from the time you leave to the time you return to your home. Also, it provides emergency evacuation for health reasons and protects you for other items. Always read the policy and information provided by the issuer of the travel insurance to see what is covered. Your travel professional will know which is a good travel insurance issuer.

>> Guatemala > Antigua > Chichicastenango > Atitlán

Chichicastenango & Panajachel / Tour

Descripción / Description: >> Reservar

El recorrido puede comenzar desde Antigua Guatemala o Ciudad de Guatemala, dependiendo donde se encuentre. El viaje consiste en una visita por la mañanahacia el mercado de Chichicastenango y por la tarde hacia Panajachel y el Lago Atitlán.En Chichicastenango, usted podrá explorar el mercado indígena y ser testigo del intercambio incesante de frutas, verduras y artesanías entre las personas locales y extranjeros. Luego, visitará  la iglesia de “Santo Tomás”, en la que el Popol Vuh (el libro sagrado de los mayas) fue encontrado, al finalizar tendrá una hermosa tarde viendo uno de los lagos más bellos del mundo Atitlán.

We can start the tour from Antigua Guatemala and Guatemala City, depending where you are. The trip is a morning visit to the market in Chichicastenango and in the afternoon to Panajachel and lake Atitlán. In Chichicastenango you can explore the mayan market and witness the incessant exchange of fruits, vegetables and crafts from local people and foreigners. Then visit the church of "St. Thomas " , in which the Popol Vuh ( the sacred book of the Maya ) was found. at the end you have a beautiful afternoon watching one of the world's most beautiful lakes Atitlan.

Itinerario / Itinerary:

07:00 AM: 
>Traslado desde su Hotel en Ciudad de Guatemala o Antigua hacia Chichicastenango.
>Transfer from your hotel (Guatemala City or Antigua) to Chichicastenango.

10:00 AM: 
>Llegada al Mercado de Chichicastenango. En el centro de la ciudad está el mercado local donde se pueden comprar  productos de madera, cerámica e incluso regalos que los sacerdotes mayas ofrecen en sus altares prehispánicos. También se puede admirar la Iglesia de Santo Tomás, que fue construido por los dominicos y Kiches en el año de 1540 en un altar maya, que se utiliza aún hoy en día en la escalinata de la iglesia. En el otro lado está la Iglesia del Calvario, en la plaza se puede ver un palo alto donde se han hecho cada año la presentación del Palo Volador.
>Arrive in Chichicastenango market. In the center of town is the local market where you can buy wood products, ceramics and even gifts that Mayan priests on their altars prehispanic offer. You can also admire the Church of St. Thomas, which was built by the Dominicans and Kiches in the year of 1540 on a Mayan altar, which is still used today on the steps of the church. On the other side is the Church of Calvary, in the square you can see a tall pole where they have done every year presenting the Palo Volador.

12:30 PM: 
>Traslado desde Chichicastenango hacia Panajachel.
>Transfer from Chichicastenango to Panajachel/ Lake Atitlán.
01:30 PM: 
>Tiempo para almorzar en uno de los más exquisitos restaurantes de Panajachel.
>Time to lunch in one of the most exquisite restaurant of Panajachel.
02:30 PM: 
>Visita a la calle Santander de Panajachel y el mercado artesanal de esta ciudad.
>Visit the Santander street and the craft market of Panajachel
04:00 PM
>Traslados de regreso a Ciudad de Guatemala o Antigua Guatemala.
>Transfer back to Guatemala City or Antigua Guatemala

Note: Tambien podemos organizar tour con alojamiento en Atitlan /We can also organize tour with accommodation in Atitlan.

-El tour incluye: transporte terrestre, guía profesional en su idioma, todas las entradas y los impuestos. /
-The tour include: Transfer by bus, Profesional guide and taxes.


Lago de Atitlán / Lake Atitlán Tour

Descripción / Description: >> Reservar

El recorrido puede comenzar desde Antigua Guatemala o Ciudad de Guatemala, dependiendo donde se encuentre. Si usted está buscando visitar el Lago de Atitlán por un día,  esta es una gran opción ya que usted estará visitando Panajachel y también Santiago de Atitlán en un bote privado. Tendrá suficiente tiempo para disfrutar de uno de los lagos más bellos del mundo. Atitlán debe su grandeza a su enorme tamaño y su espectacular entorno volcánico. El lago de Atitlán se formó cuando una caldera volcánica se desprendió de su magma. Tres majestuosos volcanes, Atitlán, Tolimán y San Pedro, aumentan su gracia desde su orilla sur, sus conos perfectos se reflejan en el espejo azul del lago. El tejido hecho y usado por las mujeres mayas Tzutujil y Cakchiquel que viven alrededor del lago y muchos de los hombres también llevan la tradicional ropa  tejida a mano.
We can start the tour from Antigua Guatemala and Guatemala City, depending where you are. If you are looking to visit Lake Atitlan for a day, this is a great option because you will be visiting Panajachel and Santiago Atitlan on a private boat. You will have enough time to enjoy one of the most beautiful lakes in the world. Atitlan owes its grandeur to its enormous size and spectacular, volcanic setting. Lake Atitlan was formed when a volcanic caldera off its magma. Three majestic volcanoes, Atitlan and San Pedro Tolimán, increase your grace since its southern shore, their perfect cones reflected in the azure mirror of the lake. The fabric made and worn by women and Cakchiquel Maya Tzutujil living around the lake and many of the men also wear traditional hand-woven clothing.


07:00 AM: 
>Traslado desde su Hotel en Ciudad de Guatemala o Antigua Guatemala a la ciudad Maya de Panajachel. Durante el trayecto haremos una breve parada en Katok, un restaurante muy famoso donde se puede tomar un chocolate caliente o una taza de café.
>Transfer from your hotel (Guatemala City or Antigua) to the mayan town Panajachel. Along the way we will stop at Katok, a very famous restaurant where you can have a hot chocolate or a cup of coffee.

10:00 AM: 
>Al llegar a Panajachel, tomaremos un bote privado para cruzar el Lago de Atitlán y visitar el pueblo Tzutujil de Santiago de Atitlán. En este pueblo se visita la cofradía del santo local llamado Maximón o Ri Laj Mam, donde podrá observar la visita de diferentes personas de diferentes etnias que vienen a pedir salud y prosperidad en sus vidas. Traslado de regreso a Panajachel en bote privado.
>When we arrive at Panajachel, Going to take a private boat across Lake Atitlan and visit the Tzutujil village of Santiago Atitlan . In this town you can visit the local saint brotherhood called Maximon or Ri Laj Mam, where you can see the visit of different people of different ethnicities who come to ask for health and prosperity in their lives. Transfer back to Panajachel private boat.
01:30 PM: 
>Tiempo para almorzar en uno de los más exquisitos restaurantes de Panajachel.
>Time to lunch in one of the most exquisite restaurant of Panajachel.
02:30 PM: 
>Visita a la calle Santander de Panajachel y el mercado artesanal de esta ciudad.
>Visit the Santander street and the craft market of Panajachel
04:00 PM: 
>Traslado de regreso a Ciudad de Guatemala o Antigua Guatemala.
>Transfer back to Guatemala City or Antigua Guatemala

Note: Tambien podemos organizar tour con alojamiento en Atitlan /We can also organize tour with accommodation in Atitlan.

>El tour incluye: transporte terrestre, lancha privada, guía profesional en su idioma, todas las entradas y los impuestos. 
>The tour include: Transfer by bus, prived boat, Profesional guide and taxes.


Tambien Ofrecemos: Traslados a toda Guatemala en buses privados o colectivos.
We offer to: Transfer to all Guatemala on private or public bus.

Escribanos / Writte Us :

(502) 4314-3666 / (502) 5878-4258

Hoteles en Atitlan: 

Hotel Casa Palopo:
 Hotel Jardines del Lago:
Hotel Posada don Rodrigo:

Hoteles en Antigua:

El convento hotel:
Hotel Casa Palopo:
Hotel Soleil:
Hotel Camino Real:



> Esquipulas - Guatemala

>Santa Catarina Palopo - Guatemala/Atitlan

>Lago Atitlan - Guatemala/Panajachel

>Santiago Atitlan - Guatemala/Lago Atitlan

>Volcan San Pedro - Guatemala/ San Pedro la Laguna
(502) 4314-3666 / (502) 5878-4258